Saturday, April 28, 2012

A New Crisis in Pakistani Balochistan being created by Qamar Masood , MPA Shahnawaz Marri and DC Kolhu Abdul Samad Baloch

A New Crisis in Pakistani Balochistan ?

A New Crisis in Pakistani Balochistan  being created by Qamar Masood , MPA Shahnawaz Marri and DC Kolhu Abdul Samad Baloch

In  1973-1977 up rising miltry action about 60,000 marri tribe man fled  to afghanistan mostly Bijarani tribe and in 1991 after a dispute with Nawab Khair Bux Marri the Bijarani tribesmen returned back to their home land ,Marri Agency in Pakistan .

Some tribesman setled in Sindh some at Quetta and some of them come to settle in their home District Kohlu and sepicaly Thadri thesil Mawaind Kohlu .

In the year 2002 Genral Pervez Musharaf met with Wadera Mir Hazar Khan Marri (Bijarani)at Quetta and announced 1000 levies post to Marri tribe .. under the leader ship of Wadera Mir Hazar Khan Marri .

The levies post were distibuted among the diffrent bijarani tribe transparently and fairly .

The aim of raising the livies force to help government to explore oil & gas and help Govt to build Sibi Maiwand Road ..other big project and save  the area from anti govt elements .

650 levies man were given to thesil Kohlu and 350 levies personal were posted at Thesil Mawaind under the leader ship  of Wadera Mir Hazar Khan at differnt levies check posts at the areas

From the start Deputy commisioner Kohlu Abdul Samad Baloch  and civil government  officals tried  to take their share from leives pays and often they used to stop the pay of levies and theatened them to send them to diffrent districts to serve if they did not bribe them with part of their own salary.

The levies man who posted by the leadership of Wadera Mirhazar Khan at thesil Mawaind and different  check posts Thadri area ,Nali ,Safaidthok , Bijarwad,, and specially Sibi Rakhni road  .

These levies in Tehsil  Maiwand  were  never given a bullets to protect them selves and the area they were never given livies uniform  and shoes and  no any  facility to fetch water or  any shelter by govt offical   and finally from december 2011 upto april 2012 their pays have been stopped with out any reasonable reason even though the levies man are performing all patrolling and post  duties with FC fores at Sibi Rakhni Maiwand  road .

 This plan has been made by M P A Shah Nawaz Marri,  Deputy Commisioner Kohlu Abdul Samad baloch, commisioner Sibi Qamer masood,who want their share from the pay of levies and thay have no interest in the protection of Sibi Rakhn i Road and the area as whole.

It is imperative that the Pakistani state intervenes so that a greater crisis does not paralyse Balochistan.

In the past the complaint was that Baloch were anti government .But in this case when Baloch tribes willingly cooperate with the government , what do they get ?